The Big Spring Cleaning Checklist + Free Printable

The ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist is a must when it’s time to take care of so many tasks that just aren’t done as often as your regular cleaning.  This is exactly when you need a handy reminder to check off instead of trying to remember what all you need to do.  After all, it may have been a year since you last cleaned some of these things.

Spring Cleaning No Matter What Climate You Live In

I’ll admit that living in the Northeastern United States gives me a different take on Spring Cleaning than if I lived, in say, Florida.

Here it indicates the end of long winter months spending most of our time indoors in a home that has been closed up to keep us warm and safe against the elements.

Come Spring, it’s time to refresh and reset by deep cleaning, inside and out.

We’re preparing to enjoy having open windows again, use our outdoor spaces, and get our winter gear organized and stored away for next year.  Getting ready for warmer weather means sprucing up porches, patios, decks, gardens and more.

But you don’t have to live in a seasonal climate for Spring Cleaning to be a great habit to have.

No matter where you call home, it’s good to have a yearly clean that goes beyond your regular house cleaning checklist.  It gives you a chance to catch up with less-frequent tasks that can easily slip through the cracks but are still important for the upkeep of your house.

Not Limited to Cleaning

Yes, Spring Cleaning is mainly about getting rid of dust, dirt, and grime. 

But it’s also about decluttering and basic maintenance.

It’s the perfect time to get rid of clutter that has accumulated.  None of us do this perfectly, but it’s always good to declutter before we store things away for the season.  Here’s a list of things to consider sorting through and donating at this time of year:

  • Fall/winter clothing
  • Home decor that you’re tired of
  • Pantry items that you probably won’t eat
  • Clothes that your kids will have outgrown by the next fall/winter

And don’t forget to take care of common maintenance tasks like replacing batteries, cleaning gutters and checking fire alarms. 

Indoor Spring Cleaning List

It feels greats to have a breeze through the windows again and a clean, fresh smell in your house.  No matter how much you clean during the winter, there’s nothing quite like airing out the place.

Below is a list of Spring Cleaning tasks. 

Note that some of these are part of a regular deep house cleaning checklist, but others are above and beyond even that.

Obviously this is not done in a day.  You may want to declare an annual Spring Cleaning Month to get these tasks done, and avoid making it too drawn out.

General Household
Living Areas
Home Office
Laundry Room
Entryway Closet

Outdoor Spring Cleaning List

The outsides of our homes need a little love this time of year too.  Sometimes we don’t think about cleaning the outside as much as the inside, but the dirt can really change the appearance of your house, and not for the better.  Schedule these tasks into your Spring Cleaning Routine.

Printable Spring Cleaning List

Grab your Free 2-page copy now and you’ll already be more organized.  It includes both the indoor and outdoor lists from this page, plus room to add your own tasks.

Wrap Up

Whether winter where you live brings deep, enveloping snows, or simply slightly cooler temperatures, annual Spring Cleaning is a habit well worth taking the time for.